Tuesday, April 6, 2010

4/6/10 NXT

4/6/10 NXT

-The show starts with the WWE main eventers shilling merchandise. Tonight's product? Triple H's kids book, 'Sledgy the Sledgehammer'. Teaching kids that the best way to solve any problem is with severe blunt force trauma to someone's skull.

Typical NXT tag match, with Otunga picking up the win with his new finisher, the Headlock Takedown. Afterwards Glen Jacobs rushes down the ring, and chokeslamming all four men in turn. 1/2*

Commercial Break
-Teddy Long is backstage.... why, nobody is sure... and announces that for Extreme Rules there will be a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Title: Chris Jericho vs Edge... vs Vickie Guerrero.

Daniel-san started off strong until Orton hit the backbreaker and took control. However, he missed an RKO and got nailed with a Russian Legsweep for the three count. Daniel-san offered a handshake after the match but Orton just walked away. **3/4

-ShoMiz would call the win a fluke, just like the win over Miz and the Unified Tag Team title win. They would call Daniel-san and Funaki "The biggest jobbers since the Mulkeys" and promise to regain the titles come Extreme Rules.

-Justin Gabriel and Darren Young vs The Martin Brothers
The newcomers were in control throughout this match, with ShoMiz at ringside cheering them on and telling them to "Taunt More". Eventually the two would hit a double flying elbow from adjacent corners on Darren Young to get their win. ***1/2

Overall Rating: 69% (huhuhuhuh....)
Highlight: Triple H shilling his children's book 89%
Lowlight: Otunga/Tarver v Slater/Barrett 54%
We got a 2.74 rating for 'NXT'!
The attendance level was 8041 people.
We made $321640 from ticket sales.


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