Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4/16/10 Smackdown

4/16/10 Smackdown

-SHILLING TIME! Today's product: A new feel-good comedy by WWE Films: Jericho Eye For The Straight Edge Guy. When CM Punk (played by Cody Rhodes) has body image issues, he decides to get a makeover... from Chris Jericho (played by Edge)! Features music by Fozzy (Played by Spinal Tap)

-Stephanie McMahon is backstage, when Vickie Guerrero rushes in from behind her, tackling her and ripping her clothes off, leaving her in her underwear before trying to strangle her with her shirt. Officials quickly moved to get Vickie Guerrero off her.

Typical Rey match where Ziggler gets early offense, but gets countered often later on into big moves. Eventually Rey wins with the 619 to a splash. *1/2

-Santa Monica Sheamus is shown at a strip mall in New Mexico.

Sheamus: I'm here in Mexico brother because I know my Sheamusamaniacs love only one thing as much as buying my merchandise and watching me wrestle, dude... and that's SODA, brother! So I'm here dude to promote the grand opening of my new store, brother... SODAMANIA! We got high quality sodas for your kids, plus lots of T-shirts to buy brother! Let's hear from my little Sheamussters. Hey kids, whos your favorite sports entertainer dude?

Kid: Undertaker.

Sheamus: What about me, brother, Santa Monica Sheamus?

Kid: Pbbt, you're just a jobber. And this soda is just marked up cans of Check soda!

Sheamus: No little dude, that's LEG DROP ORIGINAL brother! As you can see, all my Sheamusamaniacs are loving my store, so bring your kids here today!

Sheamus goes into a pose routine as we head into commercial.

-Mr. McMahon would appear after the break, announcing next week's Raw GM: JIMMY SNUKA!

-Then, we had Cryme Time talking to kids again.

JTG: Alright kids, today we're going to teach you about Shakespeare. Sheakespeare was a famous author...

Kid 1: Don't you mean playwright?

JTG: Uh, yeah that... and he wrote lots of plays and poems too.


JTG just looks at Shad for a minuite, then turns to the kids.

JTG: His most famous play is "Romeo and Juliet". It's a classic story about love, which ends in a shocking manner. Can anyone guess how it ends?

Kid 2: They both die.

JTG: That's right!

Kid 2: Every main character dies in his tragedies. He's more predictable than WWE's booking.

JTG: (whispers) Kid, you can't break kayfabe we're live...

Kid 2: Well that's what they get for airing this live without a script!

Quick cut to commercial.

A surprisingly top-notch match for TV that goes nearly 20 minuites, with Punk and Gallows using most of the match to double team Trips. However, Orton manages to pick up the win for his team with the ROFL (formerly RKO) and pick up the win. Orton then told Punk "im in ur smakdownz, beatin ur cult members, lol..." ***

-Ezekiel Jackson would be shown backstage laid out in a pool of his own blood.

Mr X amazes the crowd by getting his most offense ever in a WWE ring: Two kicks to the gut. Taker responds with a chokeslam and a tombstone to get the win. After the match Drew McIntyre rushes in and clocks Undertaker with the IC belt. DUD

-McIntyre is not done, though, and gets a table from under the ring, setting it up a few feet from the apron. He grabs Undertaker and slowly drags him to the apron, then hits the Future Shock off the apron through the table. Inexplicably, the fans chant "NXT! NXT! NXT!"

Kozlov is in control most of this match, with Edge getting the occasional hope spot but falling shy of victory thanks to Kozlov's sheer power. Kozlov tries to gorilla press Edge who floats over into a reverse X-factor, then sets up for the spear, but Vickie Guerrero rushes in with a megaphone (supposedly stolen from Jimmy Hart) and yells "EXCUSE ME!" to shock Edge, allowing Kozlov to battering ram him for the three count. *1/4

Overall Show: 72%
Highlight: Snuka announced as guest host 93%
Lowlight: Undertaker vs Mr X 48%
Ratings: 5.19

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