Wednesday, March 31, 2010

4/5/2010 RAW

RAW 4/5/2010

-SHEAMUS VS THE BELLA TWINS: Once again, Shaemus is completely dominated the entire match, as the Bellas walk all over him until they make him submit to a Double Single Leg Crab. 1/4*

-MARK HENRY AND MVP vs SHOMIZ: A back and forth tag match with Show carrying most of the weight for his team. Finish would come as MVP would miss a Shining Black and get caught by Miz' Skull Crushing Finale when Glen Jacobs jumped the barricade, giving both Miz and MVP a double chokeslam. He would also deliver big boots to Mark Henry and Big Show, clearing the ring. *3/4

-Glen Jacobs then got a microphone.

Glen: "For those of you who are unaware, I am your WWE Champion. However, as a last request of Shawn Micheals I am no longer officially in the WWE. Shawn, when I attacked you, it was nothing personal. I was out to make a statement to the rest of the WWE that I am not to be forgotten, not a has been, not to be ignored. But when you fired me, Shawn, you made it personal. Therefore as WWE champion, I DEMAND to be given a match with Shawn Micheals at Extreme Rules. And I will continue to wreak havoc each and every night the WWE has a show until I get my wish."

Commercial Break

-JIM DUGGAN VS RIC FLAIR: This match was made at the request of Guest Host Iron Sheik. Exactly what you'd expect with Flair and Duggan doing little more than brawl, until Iron Sheik runs down the ramp and hits Jim Duggan with a Persian Club, announces it's a no DQ match, and Ric Flair gets the pin. *

-After the match Iron Sheik got on the mic.

Iron Sheik: "I have announcement as host of WWF Raw. First of all. Congratulation to new ECW champion... Mike Knots. And now, second announcement. At Extreme Rule, we have War Games Match. Team Flair versus Team Hart. First member of team Hart, Jim Duggan. First member of team Flair, Iron Sheik! Jim Duggan, Bret Hart, at Extreme Rule, we make you humble! IRAN! IRAN NUMBER VUN! AMERICA HACK PUH! And now second announcement. Next Guest Host of RAW: Iron Sheik! Yes that is being true! In fact, Iron Sheik for all April, Guest Host of WWF Raw! IRAN NUMBER VUN! And also, tonight main event, Yawn Cena versus Goldydust."

-It was 9:42 when a gold limo with the license plate "BIZAR1" rolled up to the arena. The door opened to reveal Goldust, wearing only black tights with the rest of his body covered in gold body paint. His theme started to play...

-And at 9:48 Goldust would go through the doors of the building, walking the corridors...

-Two commercial breaks later, at 10:12, he'd still be making his way to the ring...

-At 10:25, he stopped to take a phone call, and would be interested in switching to Comcast.

-The phone call ended at 10:50 when he continued to make his way to the ring...

-At 10:58 on his way to ringside he would stop to shake hands with Jim Carrey

-And at 10:59... GOLDUST VS JOHN CENA: The two chain wrestled for about thirty seconds, then Goldust kicked Cena in the midsection, stuffed Cena's head into his tights and gave him a piledriver Cole called "The Golden Globes". One, two, three. Afterwards John Cena would stagger out of the ring, and run backstage in a frenzy as Goldust again asked "WHO'S...." deep breath, feeling himself up.... "NEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXT!" **1/4

Overall Show: 66%
High Point: Goldust switches to Comcast 82%
Low Point: Iron Sheik's speech 51%
Ratings: 6.78
Attendance: 8018
Ticket Sales $320720

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