Tuesday, March 16, 2010


This scenario is inspired by reading the excellent Death of WCW book. If you somehow haven't read this already I strongly reccomend it.


Some say Vince McMahon is the greatest wrestling promoter of all time. Others, like myself, disagree. Is he a great businessman? Absolutely. But in terms of creating a quality product, well... at least he's not the worst of all time in that regard.

...But, what if, one day, Vince McMahon had suddenly become the worst of all time? What if he ended up putting together shows that would be worse than anything that a team of Jim Herd, Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo and David McClane could come up with? Could the seemingly invincible empire, the (pun intended) Titan of the industry finally fall? Or will WWE's fanbase continue to watch even as the content reaches new depths?

Only one way to find out what happens when WWE becomes the Worst Wrestling Ever.

This scenario uses EWR 4.2, with the March 2010 update data. Game started at March 1st but no actual booking takes place until March 28th, Wrestlemania. A "Guest Host" worker has been added to WWE's roster, with no ring ability whatsoever and 70 Over/70 Charisma, for realism purposes. I also added another trainer to staff. Other new hirings/firings will not happen until after WM.

Pre-WM, the following injuries have taken place:

Shelton Benjamin (Tricep Strain, 2 Mo)
Heath Slater (Back Injury, 1 Mo)

Due to Shelton's injury, a MITB qualifier was made between Mark Henry and Yoshi Tatsu, which ended in a no contest after Drew McIntyre interfered in their Superstars confrontation. Theodore Long would use his GM position to rule that both of them would go to MITB.

WrestleMania Card (Using Wikipedia as a reference):
1. Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase
2. Triple H vs Shaemus
3. Tag Title Match: ShoMiz© vs R-Truth and John Morrison
4. Street Fight: Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon
5. MITB Match (10-man battle royal in-game): Christian vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kane vs Jack Swagger vs MVP vs Matt Hardy vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre vs Mark Henry vs Yoshi Tatsu
6. WWE title: Batista© vs John Cena
7. Street Fight: Undertaker vs Shawn Micheals
8. World Heavyweight Title: Chris Jericho© vs Edge

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