Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3/30/10 NXT

-The show started once again with a WWEshop shill ad, featuring Triple H's newest merch, the official Triple H LCD Handheld Game! This toy hasn't been cool in 14 years, but now it's back with a VENGEANCE! Enjoy the two-frame animations and sub-MIDI sound quality! Only $379.99!

-Afterwards, Josh Matthews and Michael Cole note that Daniel Bryan has indeed found a new mentor, and he's backstage with him right now. We go backstage where KUNG FU NAKI is talking to Daniel Bryan, who is wearing a gi and headband like Funaki. The segment ends with Funaki showing Daniel Bryan The Crane pose, and Daniel getting the hang of it.

This match goes back and forth with Young starting off strong and Justin playing catchup until he catches a Young rana attempt and hits him with a powerbomb. Gabriel signals for the end but Luke Gallows distracts the referee and CM Punk enters the ring to hit him with a Go 2 Sleep, putting Young over Gabriel before leaving the ring, and after the three count Young looks up all WTF and then heads outside to Punk. The two argue and Gabriel shoves Punk, leading to a breif scuffle that is broken up by officials. 3/4*

Commercial Break

The ECW champion in a non-title match here, and Otunga absolutely punks out Sheamus, knocking him around with punches and elbows. Then, Otunga checks his watch, says "I got lunch with Courtney Cox!" then hits Sheamus with the super-lazy spinebuster for a pinfall in under 30 seconds. 1/4*

Commercial break

-The Miz is backstage, and he berates Daniel Bryan, saying "he was a loser when he came here, and now he's even more of a loser now that he's with Funaki". He says tonight he's going to prove to all of Daniel Bryan's "ROHbots" (yes, he actually said that on WWE television) that he's just another wannabe.

Commercial break, recap of WrestleMania

-Daniel Bryan comes to the ring first for the main event to "You're The Best Around", and gets on the mic and announces that he is now to be called Bryan Daniel-san, and that Miz is going to realize there is no mercy in this dojo. Micheal Cole, being the biggest dork in the world, doesn't get the reference and says "WHAT dojo?"

-Bryan Daniel-san vs The Miz
The Miz gets little offense in this match as Daniel-san is in control for all 15 minuites of this match, following the advice of Kung Fu Naki the whole time. Eventually, after countering the Skull-Crushing Finale, he's told by Funaki to "Sweep the leg!" and Daniel-san immediately does a Russian Leg Sweep getting the one two three. Miz is COMPLETELY KOED by the legsweep, and now Big Show comes to the ring looking to do some damage to Daniel-san. He goes for the knockout punch, but Daniel-san waxes off, kicks Show in the gut, and hits HIM with the Russian Legsweep, and Show is also laid out. Funaki and Daniel-san crane pose over ShoMiz as NXT ends. **1/4

Overall Show: 61%
High Point: Triple H shills an LCD game 86%
Low Point: Young/Gabriel and Shaemus/Otunga (tie), 51%
Rating: 2.41 (lol)
Attendance: 7538
Ticket sales $301520

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