Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Featuring World Famous Rock Band... Spinal Tap!

HAIR VS MASK: CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio
CM Punk gets hit with the 619, but catches Mysterio's West Coast Pop and transitions it into a Go 2 Sleep for the win. CM Punk then rips Mysterio's mask off, then puts Mysterio in front of his family and holds him in place while Luke Gallows hits Mysterio with a chair. ***3/4

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes vs Ted DiBiase
Cody and Ted double team Orton at first, then Ted starts removing the turnbuckle padding while Cody is working over Orton. Cody hits CrossRhodes, but Ted grabs Cody and throws him into the exposed turnbuckle then rolling him up for the win. Afterwards Ted gets on the mic, telling Cody that every man has his price. Orton then RKOs Cody Rhodes, and raises Ted's arm. **

Sheamus vs Triple H
In a mirror of WM12, Triple H absolutely ahnilated Shaemus, pinning him in 90 seconds with a Pedigree. **3/4

UNIFIED TAG TEAM TITLE: ShoMiz vs John Morrison and R-Truth.
Morrison and Truth manage to put Big Show on the ropes, then Truth holds Miz while Morrison goes for the flying kick. Miz ducks, and Morrison cracks Killings with the kick instead. Show frees himself to Knockout Punch Morrison while Miz pins Truth. **1/4

HARDCORE MATCH: Bret Hart vs Mr. McMahon
A complete trainwreck of a match, that ends with McMahon putting Bret Hart in a sharpshooter, and the referee calling for the bell without Hart tapping. Fans throw garbage into the ring. 1/4*

MITB MATCH: Christian vs Dolph Ziggler vs Kane vs Jack Swagger vs MVP vs Matt Hardy vs Evan Bourne vs Drew McIntyre vs Mark Henry vs Yoshi Tatsu
Matt and McIntyre battle on the ladder, Drew knocks Matt off but Evan Bourne springboards onto the ladder(!) and knocks Drew off! Christian pushes the ladder down, then goes for the belt, but Kane gets to the top, Chokeslams (well, more like grabs Christian's throat then shoves him) off the ladder and gets the win. 3/4*

WWE Title: John Cena vs Batista
Batista hits two bombs and a spear, but Cena kicks out each time. Batista goes for another bomb, but Cena drop toe holds him into an STF to become the new champ. Cena then grabs the title and, for no apparent reason, runs like the wind to the back. **1/2

NO DQ: Shawn Micheals vs The Undertaker
Taker gets hit with SCM, but nosells it. Micheals gets a nearfall with the backdrop and flying elbow. Taker hits Last Ride, two count, goes for a tombstone but Shawn reverses it, two count. Shawn tunes up the band, but Kane runs down the ramp (with music and pyro) and chokeslams Shawn. Undertaker is all WTF as Kane leaves the ring. A Tombstone later and the deadman is 18-0. Taker offers HBK a handshake, but instead gets a SCM. ***1/4

World Heavyweight Title: Edge vs Chris Jericho
Edge misses a spear, Jericho fails to get the Walls. Jericho hits a Codebreaker for a two count, a Lionsault gets the knees. The two get up and face off, then, Vickie Guerrero jumps the crowd and clubs Jericho with her shoe! DQ! Edge is FURIOUS and spears her. Jericho then gets up like nothing happened and hits him with a Codebreaker. He then holds up the belt while pointing to his head. ***3/4

Overall show rating: 77%
1.60 buy rate
16833 people in attendance
$4000000 from pay-per-view revenue.
$1009980 from ticket sales.

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